HTTPS API Fetch with Promises

June 21st, 2022 • 5 minutes

Why use promises?

Promises are a feature in Javascript that assist in handling asynchronous operations, especially multiple operations. Instead of using seperate callbacks functions for error and success states, use of promises leads to clearer control flow, less coupled code, and integrated error handling.

Writing a simple promise

The Promise constructor has a callback function to handle the activities of the promise. This function is passed two arguments--a resolve function and a reject function. We can call resolve or reject when we have fulfilled or failed the promise.

Have a look at a very basic promise:

let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(1 === 1)

In the code above, we call resolve if 1===1 and reject if it does not. You will also notice that resolve and reject are called with a value. Lets see what happens with this value when we call the promise.

.then(value => console.log(value))
.catch(value => console.log(value))

The value that was passed into the callback functions is provided in the then and catch statements on the promise. If we run this code, we get:


The benefit in writing asynchronous code like this is that multiple promises can be chained together and performed sequentially. Additionally, our error handling for all of the promises can be caught at the end of the chain.

Making a PB&J Sandwich

Typically promises are not written as variables, but returned from a function. The following code demonstrates building a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using promises:

Running this code

  1. Make sure you have Node and npm installed
  2. Download ts-node npm i -g ts-node
  3. Run the file ts-node script.ts

Note: I am using Typescript. If you are just using Javascript, you can remove the type annotations.

const haveBread = true;
const havePB = true;
const haveJelly = true;
function getBread() {
return new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(['bread', 'bread']);
reject('No bread!')
function putOnPeanutButter(sandwich: string[]) {
return new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
if(havePB) {
sandwich.splice(1, 0, 'PB')
reject('No peanut butter!')
function putOnJelly(sandwich: string[]) {
return new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
if(haveJelly) {
sandwich.splice(2, 0, 'jelly');
reject('No jelly!')

When run, this code will print [ 'bread', 'PB', 'jelly', 'bread' ]. You can see how functions that return promises can improve the readability of the code. We simply chain then statements until we finish. Once the promise chain has finished, we can do whatever we wish with the value (here we simply pass it to console.log).

Additionally, if there is any error in the chain, the chain breaks and goes to the catch statement. Try changing the boolean values at the top of the script. Whichever promise fails first passes it's reject value to the catch function.

This is a good example showing chained promises, but this code is not asynchronous. All of the operations used in constructing the sandwich are fast and could be implemented using normal, synchronous code. Promises really shine in cases where code takes much longer to run, such as waiting for a response from a database, or downloading an image from a website. Promises allow the rest of our code to keep running, and only be interrupted once the promise has been resolved. If you are interested in learning more about how Javascript processes instructions and events, I recommend you read about the event loop.

Fetching data from an API with HTTPS GET request

To demonstrate a real world use case of promises, lets write some code that gets JSON from an HTTPS address.

There is a list of free public APIs on this Github repository. For this example, I decided to use Mojang's API to download a Minecraft skin. The way the code should work, the user should provide their username, and the image of their profile's skin should be downloaded.

This website provides some documentation for Mojang's APIs. There isn't a single endpoint that gets the skin image from the username, so we first have to get the users UUID, and then get the profile from that. The profile will contain the url to the skin. So the order of operations is

Username -> UUID -> Profile -> Image URL -> Download Image

All of the operations are GET requests, meaning we don't have to pass a header, we just put the information we want in the requested URL.

Getting the UUID from the Username

Making a GET request to the following address with a valid username returns a JSON object with the name and id parameters:


There are lots of different methods of making https requests. If you are running code in a browser, you can use the Fetch API. Since I am using Node, I decided to use the built in https/http standard libraries, but there are plenty of libraries to use, such as node-fetch and axios.

Using the https library to GET an object looks like this:

import https from 'https';
https.get('', res => {
let chunk = '';
res.on('data', data => chunk += data);
res.on('end', () => console.log(JSON.parse(chunk)));
}).on('error', console.log);

Which prints:

{ name: 'WoozleG', id: '95724006d8a7469ca90e77e026d95541' }

A couple things to note:

  • The data stream is continuously added to the chunk variable and then dealt with once the stream has ended.
  • We have to parse the chunk into a valid JSON object to access the properities on it.
  • The error is logged if there is anything wrong with the request.

Now, lets promisify it and add some additional features:

function getUuid(profileName: string) {
const getUuidUrl = (profileName: string) => `${profileName}`;
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
https.get(getUuidUrl(profileName), response => {
if(response.statusCode === 200) {
let chunk = '';
response.on('data', data => chunk += data);
response.on('end', () => resolve(JSON.parse(chunk).id));
else {
reject(`UUID fetch was invalid with status code ${response.statusCode}`);
}).on('error', reject);

Now the request is a function called getUuid that returns a promise. The helper function getUuidUrl takes a profile name string and returns the the correct URL string. Now that our HTTPS request is inside a promise, all of our error cases are handled with reject. For example, if there was an error with the request, or the response returned a status code other than 200 (OK). Also, now we are using the resolve method to pass on the id property of our JSON object to the next promise in the chain.

Now we can call:


The value of the resolve function (the UUID) is passed to the console.log function in then. However, if we input an invalid username, Mojang's server will return a status code other than 200, and our reject function will pass it's value to the log function in the catch, returning...

UUID fetch was invalid with status code 204

Getting the Profile from the UUID

Now that we have the UUID, we can request the users profile information from a different HTTPS endpoint. This time we can make a GET request to the following address:{UUID}

Passing in a valid UUID returns a JSON object that looks like this:

"id" : "95724006d8a7469ca90e77e026d95541",
"name" : "WoozleG",
"properties" : [ {
"name" : "textures",
} ]

The long string for value is a base64 encoded JSON object that contains the picture information we need to get the skin. We will come back to that in the next step, first let's write another function to get this data. It will look almost identical to the getUuid function:

function getProfile(uuid: string) {
const getProfileUrl = (uuid: string) => `${uuid}`;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
https.get(getProfileUrl(uuid), response => {
if(response.statusCode === 200) {
let chunk = '';
response.on('data', data => chunk += data);
response.on('end', () => resolve(JSON.parse(chunk)));
else {
reject(`Profile fetch was invalid with status code ${response.statusCode}`);
}).on('error', reject);

Getting the skin URL from the encoded string

Now that we have the profile object, we need to decode the long string into another JSON object. Thankfully, Node has a standard object called Buffer that can be used to do different types of encoding and decoding on data streams. The specific type of encoding used is base64, which is pretty common for data transmission over networks. You can read more about it here.

In the example from the previous section, the long string decoded looks like this:

"timestamp" : 1655914887815,
"profileId" : "95724006d8a7469ca90e77e026d95541",
"profileName" : "WoozleG",
"textures" : {
"SKIN" : {
"url" : ""
"CAPE" : {
"url" : ""

We only need the textures.SKIN.url and profileName.

The following code creates a new Buffer with the decoded data, and then converts it to a string representation, which is then parsed into an actual JSON object.

function saveSkin(profile: any) {
const textureObjectBuffer = Buffer.from([0].value, 'base64url');
const textureObject = JSON.parse(textureObjectBuffer.toString('ascii'));
const profileName = textureObject.profileName;
const skinUrl = textureObject.textures.SKIN.url;
return downloadImageFromUrl(skinUrl, `./${profileName}.png`);

We then grab the profileName and skinUrl from the object. Then another promise is returned by downloadImageFromUrl, which saves the image from the URL into a file in the same directory with the profile name.

Download the Image from the URL

Lets finish by implementing the downloadImageFromUrl function. This function returns a promise that resolves when the image has finished downloading. Once again, this code is almost identical to the previous HTTPS requests:

function downloadImageFromUrl(url: string, filepath: string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
http.get(url, response => {
if(response.statusCode === 200)
.on('error', reject)
.on('close', () => resolve(`File saved to ${filepath}`));
.on('end', () => reject(`Downloading image failed with status code ${response.statusCode}`));
}).on('error', reject);

Note that this function uses HTTP instead of HTTPS. For some reason, Mojang's texture URLs are all unsecured. Otherwise, the code is no different than using HTTPS.

The main difference in this code is that instead of storing the data in variable and converting it to JSON, we continuously pipe the data into a new file. This is done with the standard Node library fs. By calling response.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filepath)), we take the data as it is being downloaded and put it on our local machine at filepath.

Bringing it all together

Finally, we can use all of our functions to write a promise chain:


The last promise, saveSkin resolves with the message File saved to ./WoozleG.png, if successful. If we open up the file, we can see the downloaded skin!

Minecraft Skin


You can view all the code together here. I set it up so that you can call it from the command line like so:

ts-node download-minecraft-skin.ts {USERNAME}

Make sure you have ts-node installed globally!
